The Gould-Bass DLM-1500 Digital Radiometer is a portable, 3-1/2 digit instrument that measures a spectral range of 380-700 nanometers of luminance in Foot Lamberts.
Sensor Included:
N410394001 “F” Luminance Sensor (Foot Lamberts)
Non-Destructive Testing Equipment & Accessories
The Gould-Bass DLM-1500 Digital Radiometer is a portable, 3-1/2 digit instrument that measures a spectral range of 380-700 nanometers of luminance in Foot Lamberts.
Sensor Included:
N410394001 “F” Luminance Sensor (Foot Lamberts)
Gould-Bass Company, Inc.
1431 W. Second Street Pomona, CA 91766